Friday, May 30, 2014

My Sister's Keeper

        Just from reading the first few chapters of "My Sister's Keeper" written by Jodi Picoult, Its clear that Anna feels that she was only born to be a medical match for her sister Kate who has acute promyelocytic leukemia. 
       On page 8 Anna said, "It made me wonder, though, what would have happened if Kate had been healthy. Chance's are, I'd still be floating up in Heaven or wherever, waiting to be attached to a body to spend some time on earth. Certainly I would not be part of this family. See, unlike the rest of the free world, I didn't get here by accident. And if your parents have you for a reason, then that reason better exist. Because once it’s gone, so are you."
       That quote is one of the first times she talks about how she was made only for Kate and her illness. It kind of makes you feel bad to read it, seeing as she doesn't even seem mad, just curious.
       Through the beginning chapters, Anna never seems mad about her being born for Kate. Anna talks about how Kate is the center of attention and how Jesse, Anna's older brother, and herself are kind of in the background. Anna said on page 9 "The truth is, I was never really a kid. To be honest, neither were Kate and Jesse. I guess maybe my border had his moment in the sun for the four years he was alive before Kate got diagnosed, but ever since then, we've been too busy looking over our shoulders to run headlong into growing up."
        I think that parents need to give their kids equal attention. If you pay attention to only one of them, no matter if one has a health problem or not, it makes the other children feel left out. I don't think that’s right. In this case, Anna is used to feeling left out and same with her older brother.
     On page 10, Anna said something that made it seem as if she thought being born for a medical match was normal. She said "-a perfect sibling match. When Kate needs leukocytes or stem cells or bone marrow to fool her body into thinking its healthy, I'm the one who provides them. Nearly every time Kate's hospitalized, I wind up there too."
         I'm sure that as I read further into the book there will be more quotes from Anna that shows that she was only born for that one purpose. I think there will also be more quotes stating how she feels about the situation and how it plays with Anna's emotions. 

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