Monday, May 12, 2014

Blog 3

             I think a hero is someone who will do anything to help someone despite what may happen to them. A hero will help anyone in need and be brave no matter what the consequences. For example, People who run into burning buildings to help someone that is still in there. Hero's are willing to risk his or her life to help save someone else.
             In the book "The Help", I think that Skeeter is the most heroic character. Skeeter is willing to write a book on "The Help" that discusses race and what it is like at that time and what it will be like in the future. She takes the perspective from 12 black maids, including Aibileen. Speaking of Aibileen, she is the one who helps Skeeter write this book. She allows these maids to have a voice, an opinion


            Along the way, Skeeter finds out the truth about many things that she never knew. Hearing these stories opened Skeeter's eyes to how big the race issue was. Skeeter wrote this book and had it published anonymously, but she still had the courage to go against her friends and have her own say about this issue even after being secluded from her community for having a copy of the Jim Crow Laws in her purse. This book ended up being a national best seller and that’s when these ladies put two and two together and realized that they are the characters in the book. Whats even better is that Mrs.Skeeter donates the money she got from the book to"The Help".

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